NAIDM 2025 Friday (6/20) Presentations
1. Climate Action: Another Key to Address Violence Against Women (9-11:30am)
Plan to Learn:
• Equality vs Equity: What is the Difference?
• Gender Equality Foundation: Addressing how climate and violence against women are interconnected.
• What do equal rights mean when combined with climate change?
• How do we measure it?
2. Michigan Abolitionist Project: A Guide to Understanding Sex and Labor Trafficking (1:30-4:00pm)
With an estimated 28 million men, women and children who are subjected to trafficking every year, it is more important than ever for us to understand this crime and how we can be a part of preventing it. Human trafficking is a global problem that often goes overlooked and underreported. Although many of us may be aware that human trafficking exists, are we fully aware the ways in which manipulation and exploitation happens all around us? Whatever your knowledge base may be, this presentation is for those interested in gaining a more accurate understanding of human trafficking, as well as becoming equipped and empowered to respond.
This panel will be led by Lived Experience Experts and Advocates to discuss Human Trafficking and ways you can be involved in your community to prevent and end it.